BlastMax Custom Dosing Caps for your Brand


Daring, innovative products unites elements of beverage, pharmaceutical, oral care, health, beauty, pet care, laundry care, and other specialized markets with brilliant innovation and unique concepts of marketing through television, retail, Web and the Multi-Level marketplace.


Blast Max specializes in the development of innovative technologies to deliver an exceptional range of products to specialty markets globally and offers companies and customer’s advantages backed by experience, innovation, and patent protected products. We use intuitive designs that deliver products with world class quality, performance, and pricing for custom dosing caps for our clients own branding needs. We also can assist in helping with formulas, filling and sealing to finished packaging and bottling needs.

Blast Max has and works with customers and manufacturing companies globally. It is exciting to see the positive major impact dosing caps have been for health and the environment. It’s time to address America’s (and the rest of the world) hidden drinking problem—the rivers of sugary and chemical infested soft drinks, juices, and other beverages we guzzle daily. Soft drink makers produce a staggering 10.4 billion gallons of sugary soda pop each year (1), enough to serve every American a 12-ounce can every day, 365 days a year. They also make billions and billions more gallons of sports drinks, fruit drinks, heavily sweetened iced tea, and other sugary drinks. On a typical day, four out of five U.S. children and two out of three U.S. adults drink sugar-sweetened beverages, gulping them down in astonishing amounts. The consumption of juice, sodas and other beverages is one of the leading causes of childhood and adult obesity and diabetes which can cause premature death, most consumers do not realize that most juices and sport/vitamin drinks have more sugar that soda. Now we have a choice of providing healthy great tasting drink alternative with no chemicals, preservatives, or sugars and eliminating the hot fill process which destroys important nutrients; Blast Max Technology helps change lives and the environment one Blast at a time…

Blast Max is in the development in new categories that will be released in 2014. Some new categories of launches will be very high tech and reveal the urgency of dosing cap technology to the highest levels globally.


Blast Max enters into agreements globally to provide licenced technology and equipment for Dosing Caps for clients/customers to fill and seal dosing caps as well as providing formulas and technology for formulas


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Contact Mikel Anderson, founder and inventor of BlastMax